dr. Konrad Meyenberg

dr. Konrad Meyenberg

Lezing en Workshop: vrijdag 12 mei & 13 mei

1. Full Name Konrad H. Meyenberg Dr. med. dent.     photograph included below


2. Title Gap Management in the anterior zone: direct bonding or ceramics, full- or partial reconstructions Some clinical considerations


3. Summary An unfavorable relationship between the form and dimension of the dental arch and the number, dimension and shape of the existing teeth can pose several aesthetic, biologic and functional problems. In this presentation the various restorative options are discussed based on clinical and scientific evidence:

Gap closure and substitution of missing teeth: restorative transformation of substituted teeth into homologous teeth with odontoplasty, direct composite, etched pieces, porcelain veneers or full crowns.

Gap opening and tooth replacement with all-ceramic adhesive or full crown bridges, or implants.

Gap distribution and restorative compensation with direct composite restorations, etched pieces or porcelain veneers.

Gap shifting and restorative compensation with all-ceramic adhesive or full crown bridges, implants, composite, etched pieces or veneers.

Gap compensation by reconstructive compensation without orthodontics.

The reconstructive tools with special emphasis on the materials and their inherent aesthetics and sustainability are discussed, and numerous cases are presented to illustrate the different concepts.


A workshop is included: treatment planning of cases within this topic, provided by the participants and the author.


4. CV Konrad H. Meyenberg graduated at the University of Zurich, Switzerland in 1985. He completed a 4-year post-graduate program in reconstructive dentistry in Zurich at the department for fixed and remouvable prosthodontics and material sciences (chairman: Prof. Peter Schärer). His special areas of interests and research are aesthetics, implant dentistry, adhesive dentistry and perioprosthetics. He maintains since 1992 a private practice focused on aesthetic reconstructive dentistry in Zurich, Switzerland, together with 3 partners (Dr. Christian Ramel & Dr. Karin Wolleb: reconstructive and implant dentistry, Dr. Frank Paqué: endodontics & microsurgery,). He is a senior lecturer for reconstructive dentistry at the University of Zurich, Dental Schools. He is since 1990 a well-known speaker at numerous international congresses and events, having presented at more than 500 congresses, including AO & EAO. He published numerous articles in the fields of esthetic dentistry, perio-prosthodontics and implant prosthodontics. He is an active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) and the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry (SSRD). He is a certified specialist for Reconstructive Dentistry of the Swiss and European Dental Society (specialty degree since 1993). Member of the editorial board and reviewer of the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry and the Journal of Implantologie.

homepage: konrad-meyenberg.ch 


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